Nov 18, 2023

(Audio) North Platte Opportunity Center November Conversation

Posted Nov 18, 2023 5:00 PM
<a href="">Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota</a>
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota

Post News Director Canon Rath welcomed Mardel Manary and Diane Nuffer from the North Platte Opportunity Center for their monthly conversation but also to talk about the supported employment department. 

NORTH PLATTE - The North Platte Opportunity was awarded the Sara Rickertsen Grant last month and have recently used the money to purchase 2 speech tablets for individuals who are nonverbal to use and hooked up phonics as well as flash cards. "I have heard several reports that a couple of the individuals are already recognizing sight words and it's exciting to see that it's doing what we wanted to do," said Mardel Manary. 

The NPOC has a supported employment department for individuals to help get jobs and work. The staff at the NPOC helps individuals with resumes, practice interview skills are just a few of many to name. With the supported employment department, it helps Indvidual's who are involved feel included within the community and build confidence. 

If you would like to hear an update on the NPOC and learn more about the supported employment department, check out the podcast above. 

***Interviewed aired on Good Morning North Platte on 11/15/2023.